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Register and Get a Free Trial Class !

Experience the thrill of chess with our exclusive free trial class at Titan Chess Academy. Whether you're a beginner curious about the game or an intermediate player looking to improve your skills, this introductory session is designed to give you a taste of what our academy has to offer.

What to expect in our free trial chess class:

Introduction to Chess:

Dive into the fascinating world of chess as our experienced instructors guide you through the basics. Learn about the rules, piece movements, and the objective of the game. We'll provide you with a solid foundation to start your chess journey.


Interactive Lessons:

Engage in interactive lessons that focus on key chess principles, strategies, and tactics. Discover how to plan your moves, analyze positions, and develop winning strategies. Our instructors will explain complex concepts in a clear and understandable way, ensuring that you grasp the essentials.


Practice Games:

Put your newfound knowledge into action with practice games. You'll have the opportunity to apply what you've learned and gain practical experience playing against other participants. Our instructors will provide guidance, analyze your gameplay, and offer valuable tips for improvement.


Q&A and Feedback

Throughout the free trial class, our instructors will be available to answer your questions and provide feedback. Whether you're seeking clarification on a concept or looking for personalized advice, our instructors are dedicated to supporting your learning journey.


Next Steps:

At the end of the class, we'll share information about our comprehensive chess programs and courses. If you enjoyed the free trial and want to continue your chess education, we offer a range of options tailored to different skill levels and learning objectives. Our instructors will help guide you towards the most suitable program based on your goals.

Let's Get Started

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